Last updated 10th September at 12:32


  1. 01 5%
    Adnams Wild Wave
  2. 02 4.5%
    Broard Oak Triple Vintage Cider
  3. 03 5%
    Budvar Original
  4. 04 5.1%
    Rothaus Pilsner
  5. 05 5.4%
    Rothaus Hefeweizen
  6. 06 5.6%
    Rothaus Marzen
  7. 07 4.8%
    Bitburger Pilsner
  8. 08 4.8%
    Bitburger Pilsner
  9. 09 2.1%
    Rothaus Lime Radler
  10. 10 4.2%
    Redemption Solar
  11. 11 6.7%
    Stone Hazy IPA
  12. 12 7.5%
    Kernel Export Stout
  13. 13 5%
    Northern Monk Faith
  14. 14 4.1%
    New Bristol Brewery Wonderland
  15. 15 4.5%
    Hackney Kapow
  16. 16 3%
    Kernel Table Beer
  17. 17 4.6%
    Adnams Ease Up IPA
  18. 18 8%
    Duvel Cherry Chouffe
  19. 19 4.1%
    J. W. Lees Stout


  1. 01 4%
    Kent Brewery Pale
  2. 02 3.8%
    Howling Hops Tropical Deluxe
  3. 03 5.2%
    Kelham Island DDH
  4. 04 6%
    Broad Oak Crimson King
  5. 05 5.6%
    Theakson Old Peculiar
  6. 06 4.1%
    Siren Memento
  7. 07 3%
    Redemption Trinity

We have no affiliation with any breweries and are therefore free to focus on the selecting the best beers possible.

Like a good wine list, Euston Tap offers cask, keg and bottle beers on a sliding scale ranging from the very well priced £4.50 pint of cask beer.